protecting your cyber world!
Mobile PC Rescue


Some handy hints and tips about Networking:

Difference between Cat5e, Cat 6, and Cat7

A network pinout guide

Network Pinout

IPCONFIG: If you have problems with local network on PC’s and laptops, IPCONFIG can help with MOST of these issues IF they are caused by software. If you switch routers etc. then this is an essential piece of kit. Open Windows Command Line Interface in ADMIN Mode and copy and paste these commands.

ipconfig /release ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /renew

As an extra ipconfig /registerdns

Here is an explanation of each command:

How to Enable/Disable NetBios

How to Enable/Disable NetBios using the Command Prompt
First use this command to find out which card number you need to edit:

wmic nicconfig get caption,index,TcpipNetbiosOptions

make a mental note of your LAN card ID (in the pic mine is 12)

You can copy and paste the commands from this page to your Command Prompt 🙂 

So now use this command:

wmic nicconfig where index=12 call SetTcpipNetbios 2
The number at the end is what you are trying to do, here are your options:
(change the number 12 to your card’s ID)

SetTcpopNetbios option:
0 – Use NetBIOS setting from the DHCP server
1 – Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP
2 – Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP

That’s it – Now reboot 🙂 

To edit the Windows Firewall (sometimes this is ON when you think it’s OFF)
just run this command:


How to display a list of network shares shared by a Windows computer.

Start -> Run -> compmgmt.msc -> OK.
Computer Management (Local) -> System Tools -> Shared Folders -> Shares.
This will show you all the current shares on the system as well as allow you to control them, change permissions, modify access, etc.

Additionally, you can use these other commands to do it in different ways.

From Command Prompt:
net share (this will show hidden shares too)
net view \\PCNAME /all (should show all shares on PC but will not work on Win 10 for me)

How to “Log In” to Windows on Boot Up Automatically

There are times when you want a PC to automatically log in to Windows after it restarts, maybe to run backup software or scripts.
To do this is very simple, in your search box type NETPLWIZ and hit enter

You will see this box, simply untick the box at the top and reboot – make sure you have the screensaver on and make it so the password must be entered to get on the system. It is a security hole but sometimes this is required.