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Category: <span>News & Media</span>

US bans sale of Kaspersky software citing security risk from Russia

Once again, the US officials have banned the sale of Kaspersky, saying it is a security risk, what they really mean is they only want US citizens to buy US made products like Norton! Before you run off and look for alternative software, remember that Kaspersky is used globally by …

Intel Meltdown bug – MS fix and your Anti-Virus may cause your system to crash!

Intel Meltdown bug – MS fix and your Anti-Virus may cause your system to crash! Over the past few days Microsoft have released patches for the Intel Meltdown bug, we have already had 5 customers PC’s that have crashed during the update – all PC’s were running Kaspersky – Today …

Kaspersky launches its own OS on Russian routers

Kaspersky Labs has finished building its eponymously-named operating system after four years of quiet development. Little information about the OS has made it onto the English-speaking side of the internet. Kaspersky Labs Russia told Vulture South to wait a few weeks for the English press release for information. What we …