protecting your cyber world!
Public Posting on Facebook – The risks and issues

Public Posting on Facebook – The risks and issues

Facebook logoFacebook now has almost 2 BILLION users, which means that if you post something using the PUBLIC setting, all of them people and MORE can see it. It can be indexed by Google etc, and your post can be shown on EVERY search engine globally!

This is extremely silly if let’s say you are a homeowner, and you post:
Going to Spain for 2 weeks, cya later“; not only do your friends get jealous, but the burglar who lives a few blocks away also gets a heads up – and worth noting, even if you post your Holiday dates on Facebook to just friends, your insurance company DO NOT have to pay out if you get robbed :/

Not only does posting PUBLIC open you to the dangers above, but it also makes it very easy for any Cyber Criminals to duplicate your account and steal your online Identity – not so bad if you only have your page BUT if you are admin in groups, or you manage business pages etc, again the dangers should NOT be overlooked! Imagine not being to sign in one morning because someone has stolen your account, then you lose your business page and access to all groups you are ADMIN in, and now a complete stranger has full control of your data!

Rule 1.
Never tell Facebook you are on HolidayEVER!

So, you’re out a restaurant having a nice dinner with friends, and you decide to tell your family and friends via Facebook where you are, and what you are doing
This is good fun BUT again you are advertising the fact that your home MAYBE empty
How well do YOU know all your friends on Facebook?

Rule 2.
Never tell strangers you are not at home

One of the biggest gripes I have with Facebook, it that on the new iPhones and Android, the APP automatically turns posts to PUBLIC and more importantly turns on the GEO LOCATION, imagine your children posting on their wall saying they are in such a place and everyone in the world can see it? THIS IS DANGEROUS!

Rule 3.
Check all the settings on your phone to make sure PRIVACY is set to a proper level!

In September 2007, Facebook announced that profiles will become searchable through its new Public Search Listings. If you have a profile posted on Facebook, and don’t want your name and profile picture indexed by one of the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN Search, you need to update your Facebook privacy settings immediately. While Facebook has some restrictions on the Public Search Listing of a profile, few people posted their information on Facebook thinking it would be made available to virtually anyone with an Internet connection. You need to take action to prevent this from happening. SEE HERE

See RULE 3
When posting photos of things you just bought, keep them PRIVATE, never post photos of your new computer, car, etc on to the PUBLIC domain, you are asking to get robbed!

See Rule 3
This is of course basic stuff, but on a daily basis I see people posting as public, putting up photos of expensive new electronics etc. You may as well put a photo of all your valuables on the front door :/

Here are some more things to take into account:

  • Consider restricting access to your profile. If the site allows it, it’s a good idea to limit access to your profile. Don’t allow strangers to learn everything they can about you. It’s just not safe.
  • Keep your private information private. Never post your full name, Social Security number, address, phone number, full birthdate, financial information, or schedule. These will make you vulnerable to identity thieves, scams, burglars, or worse.
  • Choose a screen name that is different from your real name. Avoid using any personal information that would help someone identify or locate you offline. (You can no longer do this under Facebook rules, but you can use a maiden name etc)
  • Think twice before posting your photo. Photos can be used to identify you offline. They can also be altered or shared without your knowledge.
  • Don’t post information that makes you vulnerable to a physical attack. Revealing where you plan to meet your friends, your class schedule, or your street address is almost an open invitation for someone to find you. Remember that a photo in front of the Giant Asda tells strangers you are in Manchester, and quite likely out shopping for a while, or going to Maine Road to watch a football match.
  • Use your common sense. If you are contacted by a stranger online, find out if any of your established friends know the person, or run an online search on them (after all, you can use these things to your own benefit too!). If you agree to meet them, make it in a public place and invite others to join you.
  • Trust your instincts. If you feel threatened or uncomfortable during an online interaction, don’t continue the dialogue. Report any offensive behaviour to the social networking Web site administrators.
  • Be suspicious. Don’t take any information you receive from a new online contact at face value. The Internet makes it easy for people to say or do things they would never say or do in public or in face-to-face interactions. Protecting yourself is the smart thing to do.
  • Hide your Friends list. This will stop any person who CLONES your account from adding your friends – they can only see friends on PUBLIC posts then, now, do you see how important it is?

There is a simple way to restrict ALL your previous posts to FRIENDS only, this can save you hours of work
All the old posts on your timeline are now private 😉

If you post pictures/selfies as PUBLIC, those pictures can be taken and used (with your name) on Dating sites, porn sites etc – In the UK there are a few cases already gone through the courts where this has happened, and NO ONE can ever get them taken down = this also goes for private pics you send to guys, and vice-versa – BE CAREFUL, better yet, never send naked pics, no good guy will ask for them! 

Bear in mind that after you have protected YOUR posts, your friends post may also be public – If you see a little globe next to the post, then it is PUBLIC – be careful with your replies!

If you find this useful, please rate and share it, you could save a friend or family member from being scammed 🙂





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